Air Purifying Plants: The Best Indoor Plants for Clean Air
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend almost 90 percent of their time indoors. The concentration levels of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher indoors than typical outdoor concentrations. So, it’s essential that you make sure the space you’re in is safe! Luckily, the famous NASA Clean Air Study found that some plants have the ability to reduce indoor air pollutants.
- Formaldehyde: causes irritation to nose, mouth, and throat,
- Benzene:can cause: increased heartbeat, headaches, dizziness, and drowsiness
- Trichloroethylene: Dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and even comas

All of these toxins are very dangerous when consumed over time, so it’s vital to make sure your air filters are clean and maintained to protect yourself!
Plants are not a way to fix indoor air pollution (that would be the job of your air filter). However, they’re a great way to add an additional layer of protection and an extra flair to each room. Plants also have other benefits such as improving your mood, productivity and even boosting concentration and creativity.
Best Indoor Plants for Clean Air
Here are some of our favorite plants to help reduce indoor air pollution toxins
Peace Lily
- Prefer shaded areas
- Don’t need much water
- Maintenance Level: Medium
- Toxic if ingested

English Ivy
- Maintenance Level: Low
- Mildly toxic if ingested
- Can easily become overgrown

- Affordable option
- Rarely wilts
- Maintenance Level: Medium
- Toxic if ingested

Snake Plant
- Effective against Allergies
- Maintenance Level: Very low
- Doesn’t tolerate the cold well
- Grows slowly
- Mildly Toxic

Chinese Evergreen
- Maintenance Level: Low
- Considered a lucky plant
- Colorful option
- Toxic if ingested
- It can also cause skin irritation and rashes
- It can easily be overwatered

Spider Plant
- Maintenance Level: Low
- One of the best plants to purify the air
- Non-toxic
- Can leave debris

- One of the best flowers for purifying the air
- Maintenance: High
- They take a long time in reblooming
- Toxic if ingested

Ultimately, the best way to protect yourself from indoor air pollutants is to have a excellent air filter with at least a MERV 8 rating. AirThreds is a MERV 8 filter that will protect you from most small particles like pollen, dust mites, mold, larger dust particles and even help reduce pet dander. It is also important to incorporate multiple houseplants to ensure you’re getting the best results. So, feel free to pick a plethora of your favorites and decorate your space with some greenery that will give you a breath of fresh air!